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Re: patch to configure.in & aclocal.m4 for graphics libraries

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: patch to configure.in & aclocal.m4 for graphics libraries
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 14:12:36 +0200

On 9/15/07, Shai Ayal <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Does this mean that at some point, octplot (or a derived product)
> > will become the de-facto standard graphic backend of octave?
> The plan is to include a renderer in the octave distribution. It will
> be based on the octplot rendering code with modifications to handle
> 3D. All the object tree management will be done by the octave
> object/property code which is already in place and has no connection
> with octplot.
> Use of different renderers could be facilitated by a "renderer"
> property for each figure which would determine which renderer would
> render the figure. This way you could have several figures each
> rendered by a different renderer.

If octave comes with an integrated graphics backend with decent
features, I don't really see the point of continuing developing JHandles,
as nobody will use it anyway (why would you install and use a 3rd
party backend, if you have already one that works). Having choice
is not always what the user wants: he just wants something that
works. And as John pointed out, it's a spreading of resources.
I'll then re-think my commitment to JHandles.


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