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Re: What should an Octave GUI be like?

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: What should an Octave GUI be like?
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:09:21 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070824)

Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso skrev:
Going back to the goal: since QtOctave is meant for transitioning for
Matlab (I personally don't see myself using QtOctave very much in the
near future; I like consoles and Emacs), perhaps we should be aiming
to make an app that pleases Windows users even if it looks out of
place in X.
Well, if you only consider QtOctave as a way of making matlab users comfortable with Octave, then I'd say copy the matlab interface. I the Dark Ages when I was using Matlab, the first thing I did was to add
  alias matlab matlab -nodesktop
to my .tcshrc (if I remember correctly), simply because the matlab GUI is just awful. It's slow and it doesn't actually do anything to make your work any easier. So really, I only think you should copy the matlab GUI if you _only_ consider QtOctave to be a tool to make matlab users comfortable. If you actually want to create a nice interface, then please don't copy the matlab one :-)


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