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Re: things for 3.0
From: |
David Bateman |
Subject: |
Re: things for 3.0 |
Date: |
Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:34:29 +0200 |
User-agent: |
Thunderbird (X11/20060921) |
Shai Ayal wrote:
> On 10/12/07, David Bateman <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Shai Ayal wrote:
>>> On 10/12/07, David Bateman <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> John W. Eaton wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to do the following for 3.0.
>>>>> * Update various README files.
>>>>> * Update NEWS file. There is no way we are going to try to mention
>>>>> all the changes since 2.0.17 or even 2.1.73, but we should mention
>>>>> important user-visible changes that could cause backward
>>>>> compatibility problems. Are there additional items that we should
>>>>> mention?
>>>>> * Update the refcard.
>>>>> * Update installation instructions.
>>>>> * Remove obsolete files (for example, is FLEX.patch still needed?)
>>>>> * Any other similar items?
>>>>> As none of these items involve code in Octave itself, I think they
>>>>> should be safe to do between 2.9.15 and 3.0 with little testing.
>>>>> Comments?
>>>>> jwe
>>>> There is one handle graphics bug that should be addressed before 3.0.
>>>> That is the multiple patch problem.. My test case for this issue is
>>>> something like
>>>> t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)'*2*pi;
>>>> t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1)' + 1/32)*2*pi;
>>>> x1 = sin(t1);
>>>> y1 = cos(t1);
>>>> x2 = sin(t2);
>>>> y2 = cos(t2);
>>>> h = patch([x1,x2],[y1,y2],cat (3,[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]));
>>>> pause(1);
>>>> set(h,'FaceColor','r');
>>>> showing two patches drawn that are blue and green that can then both be
>>>> changed to red using the handle.. I don't think this needs fixing for
>>>> 2.9.15, but for 3.0 it definitely should be fixed.
>>> I attach a patch for __patch__.m which fixes this bug.
>>> 2007-10-12 Shai Ayal <address@hidden>
>>> * plot/__patch__.m: will now return handles of all patch objects
>>> created
>> No this isn't the solution... This is the behavior of the fill and fill3
>> functions. The patch function returns a single handle to all of the
>> patches.. I have a partially working patch to this issue and will try to
>> sent it soon..
> So if I understand correctly, what the current patch.m does in your
> test case is create two patch objects , and you wish for it to make
> one patch object?
Yes it is one patch object with two disjoint patched regions... The
attached patch is more like what I see is needed, though the 4th demo
still fails due to the fact that the color_property in graphics.cc can
only have a single color value.. The fact is its this fourth test that
is the most interesting as it uses the returned handle..
David Bateman address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph)
Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob)
91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax)
The information contained in this communication has been classified as:
[x] General Business Information
[ ] Motorola Internal Use Only
[ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary
*** ./scripts/plot/__patch__.m.orig27 2007-10-12 11:18:47.946404929 +0200
--- ./scripts/plot/__patch__.m 2007-10-12 15:30:34.206169880 +0200
*** 25,41 ****
## Author: Kai Habel
! function h = __patch__ (p, varargin)
if (nargin < 3)
! print_usage ();
iarg = 1;
! have_x = have_z = have_c = false;
if (isnumeric (varargin{1}))
if (! isnumeric (varargin{2}))
! print_usage ();
x = varargin{1};
--- 25,43 ----
## Author: Kai Habel
! function [h, fail] = __patch__ (p, varargin)
! fail = false;
if (nargin < 3)
! fail = true;
! return;
iarg = 1;
! have_x = have_z = have_c = have_faces = false;
if (isnumeric (varargin{1}))
if (! isnumeric (varargin{2}))
! fail = true;
! return;
x = varargin{1};
*** 49,57 ****
have_z = true;
! if (have_x && nargin > iarg)
if (isnumeric (varargin{iarg}))
c = varargin{iarg};
have_c = true;
--- 51,85 ----
have_z = true;
+ elseif (strcmp (tolower (varargin{1}), "faces") ||
+ strcmp (tolower (varargin{1}), "vertices"))
+ if (! isnumeric (varargin{2}))
+ fail = true;
+ return;
+ endif
+ if (strcmp (tolower (varargin{1}), "faces"))
+ faces = varargin{2};
+ if (strcmp (tolower (varargin{3}), "vertices"))
+ vert = varargin{4};
+ have_faces = true;
+ endif
+ elseif (strcmp (tolower (varargin{3}), "vertices"))
+ vert = varargin{2};
+ if (strcmp (tolower (varargin{3}), "faces"))
+ faces = varargin{4};
+ have_faces = true;
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (!have_faces)
+ fail = true;
+ return;
+ else
+ iarg += 4;
+ endif
! if ((have_x || have_faces) && nargin > iarg)
if (isnumeric (varargin{iarg}))
c = varargin{iarg};
have_c = true;
*** 69,75 ****
if (rem (nargin - iarg, 2) != 0)
! print_usage ();
if (have_x)
--- 97,104 ----
if (rem (nargin - iarg, 2) != 0)
! fail = true;
! return;
if (have_x)
*** 80,156 ****
z = z(:);
[nr, nc] = size (x);
! for i = 1 : nc
! h = __go_patch__ (p);
! ax = get (h, "parent");
! if (have_x)
! set (h, "xdata", x (:, i), "ydata", y (:, i));
! if (have_z)
! set (h, "zdata", z (:, i));
! endif
! if (have_c)
! if (ndims (c) == 2 && ((nr > 3 && size (c, 2) == nc)
! || (size (c, 1) > 1 && size (c, 2) == nc)))
! c2 = c (:, i);
! elseif (ndims (c) == 3)
! c2 = permute (c(:,i,:), [1, 3, 2]);
! else
! c2 = c;
! endif
! if (ischar (c2))
! set (h, "facecolor", c2);
! elseif (numel (c2) == 1)
! if (isnan (c))
! set (h, "facecolor", [1, 1, 1]);
! set (h, "cdata", c2);
! elseif (isnumeric (c2))
! ## Have color index.
! set (h, "facecolor", "flat");
! set (h, "cdata", c2);
! clim = get(ax, "clim");
! if (c2 < clim(1))
! set (ax, "clim", [c2, clim(2)])
! endif
! if (c2 > clim(2))
! set (ax, "clim", [clim(1), c2])
! endif
! else
! ## Unknown color value.
! error ("patch: color value not valid");
! endif
! elseif (numel (c2) == 3)
! ## Have rgb/rgba value.
! set (h, "facecolor", c2);
! else
! ## Color vector.
! if (length (c2) != length (x) || length (c2) != length (y))
! error ("patch: size of x, y, and c must be equal")
! else
! set (h, "facecolor", "interp");
! set(h, "cdata", c2);
! if (abs(max(c2) - min(c2)) < eps)
! set (ax, "clim", [c2(1)-1, c2(1)+1])
! else
! set (ax, "clim", [min(c2), max(c2)]);
! endif
! endif
! set (h, "facecolor", [0, 1, 0]);
! if (nargin > iarg + 1)
! set (h, varargin{iarg:end});
! endfor
! error ("patch: not supported");
--- 109,198 ----
z = z(:);
[nr, nc] = size (x);
! if (have_z)
! vert = [x(:), y(:), z(:)];
! else
! vert = [x(:), y(:)];
! endif
! faces = reshape (1:numel(x), size(x,2), size(x,1));
! elseif (have_faces)
! nr = size (faces, 2);
! nc = size (faces, 1);
! idx = faces .';
! for i = 1: nc
! t1 = isnan (idx (:,i));
! if (any (t1))
! t2 = find (t1(1:end-1) != t1(2:end))(1);
! idx(t1,i) = idx(t2,i);
+ endfor
+ x = vert(:,1)(idx);
+ y = vert(:,2)(idx);
+ if (size(vert,2) > 2)
+ have_z = true;
+ z = vert(:,3)(idx);
+ endif
+ else
+ error ("patch: not supported");
+ endif
! h = __go_patch__ (p);
! ax = get (h, "parent");
! cargs = {};
! if (have_c)
! if (ischar (c))
! cargs{1} = "facecolor";
! cargs{2} = c;
! elseif (isvector(c) && numel(c) == nc)
! if (isnan (c))
! cargs{1} = "facecolor";
! cargs{2} = [1, 1, 1];
! cargs{3} = "cdata";
! cargs{4} = c;
! elseif (isnumeric (c))
! cargs{1} = "facecolor";
! cargs{2} = "flat";
! cargs{3} = "cdata";
! cargs{4} = c;
! clim = get(ax, "clim");
! if (c(1) < clim(1))
! set (ax, "clim", [c(1), clim(2)])
! endif
! if (c(1) > clim(2))
! set (ax, "clim", [clim(1), c(1)])
! error ("patch: color value not valid");
+ elseif (size(c,ndims(c) == 3))
+ cargs{1} = "facecolor";
+ cargs{2} = c;
+ else
+ ## Color Vectors
! if (rows (c2) != rows (x) || rows (c2) != length (y))
! error ("patch: size of x, y, and c must be equal")
! else
! cargs{1} = "facecolor";
! cargs{2} = "interp";
! if (abs(max(c2(:)) - min(c2(:))) < eps)
! set (ax, "clim", [c2(1)-1, c2(1)+1])
! else
! set (ax, "clim", [min(c2(:)), max(c2(:))]);
! endif
! endif
! cargs{1} = "facecolor";
! cargs{2} = [0, 1, 0];
+ set (h, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "faces", faces, "vertices", vert, ...
+ cargs{:}, varargin{iarg:end});
+ if (have_z)
+ set (h, "zdata", z);
+ endif
*** ./scripts/plot/patch.m.orig27 2007-10-12 11:10:14.440540401 +0200
--- ./scripts/plot/patch.m 2007-10-12 12:56:55.638853220 +0200
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,27 ----
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} patch ()
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} patch (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{c})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} patch (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{c},
+ ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} patch ('Faces', @var{f}, 'Vertices',
@var{v}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} patch (@var{h}, @dots{})
## Create patch object from @var{x} and @var{y} with color @var{c} and
## insert in the current axes object. Return handle to patch object.
*** 42,53 ****
oldh = gca ();
axes (h);
! tmp = __patch__ (h, varargin{:});
axes (oldh);
! tmp = __patch__ (gca (), varargin{:});
if (nargout > 0)
--- 43,58 ----
oldh = gca ();
axes (h);
! [tmp, fail] = __patch__ (h, varargin{:});
axes (oldh);
! [tmp, fail] = __patch__ (gca (), varargin{:});
! endif
! if (fail)
! print_usage ();
if (nargout > 0)
*** 55,57 ****
--- 60,110 ----
+ %!demo
+ %! ## Patches with same number of vertices
+ %! close all;
+ %! t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)'*2*pi;
+ %! t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1)' + 1/32)*2*pi;
+ %! x1 = sin(t1) - 0.8;
+ %! y1 = cos(t1);
+ %! x2 = sin(t2) + 0.8;
+ %! y2 = cos(t2);
+ %! patch([x1,x2],[y1,y2],'r');
+ %!demo
+ %! ## Unclosed patch
+ %! close all;
+ %! t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)'*2*pi;
+ %! t2 = ((1/16:1/16:1)' + 1/32)*2*pi;
+ %! x1 = sin(t1) - 0.8;
+ %! y1 = cos(t1);
+ %! x2 = sin(t2) + 0.8;
+ %! y2 = cos(t2);
+ %! patch([[x1;NaN(8,1)],x2],[[y1;NaN(8,1)],y2],'r');
+ %!demo
+ %! ## Specify vertices and faces separately
+ %! close all;
+ %! t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)'*2*pi;
+ %! t2 = ((1/16:1/16:1)' + 1/32)*2*pi;
+ %! x1 = sin(t1) - 0.8;
+ %! y1 = cos(t1);
+ %! x2 = sin(t2) + 0.8;
+ %! y2 = cos(t2);
+ %! vert = [x1, y1; x2, y2];
+ %! fac = [1:8,NaN(1,8);9:24];
+ %! patch('Faces',fac,'Vertices',vert,'FaceColor','r');
+ %!demo
+ %! ## Property change on multiple patches
+ %! close all;
+ %! t1 = (1/16:1/8:1)'*2*pi;
+ %! t2 = ((1/16:1/8:1)' + 1/32)*2*pi;
+ %! x1 = sin(t1) - 0.8;
+ %! y1 = cos(t1);
+ %! x2 = sin(t2) + 0.8;
+ %! y2 = cos(t2);
+ %! h = patch([x1,x2],[y1,y2],cat (3,[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]));
+ %! pause (1);
+ %! set (h, 'FaceColor', 'r');
*** ./scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m.orig27 2007-10-11 20:15:53.000000000
--- ./scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m 2007-10-12 15:14:34.523787142 +0200
*** 427,543 ****
nd = 2;
cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;
clim = axis_obj.clim;
! data_idx++;
! is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
! parametric(data_idx) = false;
! titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
! usingclause{data_idx} = "";
! if (isfield (obj, "facecolor") && isfield (obj, "cdata"))
! if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))
! color = [1, 1, 1];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4))
! r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * (obj.cdata -
clim(1))/(clim(2) - clim(1)));
! r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1)));
! color = cmap(r,:);
! elseif (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6))
! warning ("\"interp\" not supported, using 1st entry of cdata")
! r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * obj.cdata(1));
! r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1)));
! color = cmap(r,:);
! else
! color = obj.facecolor;
! endif
! else
! color = [1, 0, 0];
! endif
! if (have_newer_gnuplot)
! withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with filledcurve lc rgb
\"#%02x%02x%02x\"",round (255*color));
! else
! if (isequal (color, [0,0,0]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0]))
! typ = 1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0]))
! typ = 2;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1]))
! typ = 3;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1]))
! typ = 4;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1]))
! typ = 5;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0]))
! typ = 7;
! else
! typ = -1;
! endif
! withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with filledcurve lt %d", typ);
! xdat = obj.xdata(:);
! ydat = obj.ydata(:);
! if (xautoscale)
! [xmin, xmax, xminp] = get_data_limits (xmin, xmax, xminp, xdat);
! endif
! if (yautoscale)
! [ymin, ymax, yminp] = get_data_limits (ymin, ymax, yminp, ydat);
! endif
! data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat]';
! usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)";
! ## patch outline
! data_idx++;
! is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
! parametric(data_idx) = false;
! titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
! usingclause{data_idx} = "";
! if (isfield (obj, "edgecolor"))
! if (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4))
! color = [1, 1, 1];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4))
! warning ("\"flat\" for edgecolor not supported");
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6))
! warning ("\"interp\" for edgecolor not supported");
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! color = obj.edgecolor;
! else
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! endif
! if (have_newer_gnuplot)
! withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with lines lc rgb
\"#%02x%02x%02x\"",round (255*color));
! else
! if (isequal (color, [0,0,0]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0]))
! typ = 1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0]))
! typ = 2;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1]))
! typ = 3;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1]))
! typ = 4;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1]))
! typ = 5;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0]))
! typ = 7;
! typ = -1;
- withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with lines lt %d", typ);
- endif
! xdat = [xdat; xdat(1)];
! ydat = [ydat; ydat(1)];
! data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat]';
! usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)";
case "surface"
--- 427,574 ----
nd = 2;
cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;
clim = axis_obj.clim;
! [nr, nc] = size (obj.xdata);
! if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4) ||
! strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6))
! cdat = obj.cdata;
! for i = 1 : nc
! xcol = obj.xdata(:,i);
! ycol = obj.ydata(:,i);
! if (xautoscale)
! [xmin, xmax, xminp] = get_data_limits (xmin, xmax, xminp, xcol);
! endif
! if (yautoscale)
! [ymin, ymax, yminp] = get_data_limits (ymin, ymax, yminp, ycol);
! endif
! if (! isnan (xcol) && ! isnan (ycol))
! ## Is the patch closed or not
! data_idx++;
! is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
! parametric(data_idx) = false;
! titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
! usingclause{data_idx} = "";
! if (isfield (obj, "facecolor") && isfield (obj, "cdata"))
! if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))
! color = [1, 1, 1];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4) ||
! strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6))
! if (ndims (cdat) == 2 && ((nr > 3 && size (cdat, 2) == nc)
! || (size (cdat, 1) > 1 && size (cdat, 2) == nc)))
! ccol = cdat (:, i);
! elseif (ndims (cdat) == 3)
! ccol = permute (cdat (:, i, :), [1, 3, 2]);
! else
! ccol = cdat;
! endif
! if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4))
! r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * ...
! (ccol - clim(1))/(clim(2) - clim(1)));
! r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1)));
! color = cmap(r,:);
! elseif (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6))
! warning ("\"interp\" not supported, using 1st entry of
! r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * ccol(1));
! r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1)));
! color = cmap(r,:);
! endif
! else
! color = obj.facecolor;
! endif
! else
! color = [0, 1, 0];
! endif
! if (have_newer_gnuplot)
! withclause{data_idx} = ...
! sprintf ("with filledcurve lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", ...
! round (255*color));
! else
! if (isequal (color, [0,0,0]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0]))
! typ = 1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0]))
! typ = 2;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1]))
! typ = 3;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1]))
! typ = 4;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1]))
! typ = 5;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0]))
! typ = 7;
! else
! typ = -1;
! endif
! withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with filledcurve lt %d", typ);
! endif
! data{data_idx} = [xcol, ycol]';
! usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)";
! endif
! ## patch outline
! data_idx++;
! is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
! parametric(data_idx) = false;
! titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\"";
! usingclause{data_idx} = "";
! if (isfield (obj, "edgecolor"))
! if (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4))
! color = [1, 1, 1];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4))
! warning ("\"flat\" for edgecolor not supported");
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! elseif (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6))
! warning ("\"interp\" for edgecolor not supported");
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! else
! color = obj.edgecolor;
! endif
! color = [0, 0, 0];
! if (have_newer_gnuplot)
! withclause{data_idx} = ...
! sprintf ("with lines lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", ...
! round (255*color));
! if (isequal (color, [0,0,0]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0]))
! typ = 1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0]))
! typ = 2;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1]))
! typ = 3;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1]))
! typ = 4;
! elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1]))
! typ = 5;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1]))
! typ = -1;
! elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0]))
! typ = 7;
! else
! typ = -1;
! endif
! withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with lines lt %d", typ);
! if (!isnan (xcol) && !isnan (ycol))
! data{data_idx} = [[xcol; xcol(1)], [ycol; ycol(1)]]';
! else
! data{data_idx} = [xcol, ycol]';
! endif
! usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)";
! endfor
case "surface"
*** ./src/graphics.cc.orig27 2007-10-12 12:13:48.349403438 +0200
--- ./src/graphics.cc 2007-10-12 12:12:26.097418890 +0200
*** 2123,2128 ****
--- 2123,2130 ----
xdata (Matrix ()),
ydata (Matrix ()),
zdata (Matrix ()),
+ faces (Matrix ()),
+ vertices (Matrix ()),
facecolor (radio_values ("{flat}|none|interp")),
facealpha (1.0),
edgecolor (color_values(0, 0, 0), radio_values ("flat|none|interp")),
*** 2157,2162 ****
--- 2159,2168 ----
set_ydata (val);
else if (name.compare ("zdata"))
set_zdata (val);
+ else if (name.compare ("faces"))
+ set_faces (val);
+ else if (name.compare ("vertices"))
+ set_vertices (val);
else if (name.compare ("facecolor"))
set_facecolor (val);
else if (name.compare ("facealpha"))
*** 2198,2203 ****
--- 2204,2211 ----
m.assign ("xdata", xdata);
m.assign ("ydata", ydata);
m.assign ("zdata", zdata);
+ m.assign ("faces", faces);
+ m.assign ("vertices", vertices);
m.assign ("facecolor", facecolor);
m.assign ("facealpha", facealpha);
m.assign ("edgecolor", edgecolor);
*** 2232,2237 ****
--- 2240,2249 ----
retval = ydata;
else if (name.compare ("zdata"))
retval = zdata;
+ else if (name.compare ("faces"))
+ retval = faces;
+ else if (name.compare ("vertices"))
+ retval = vertices;
else if (name.compare ("facecolor"))
retval = facecolor;
else if (name.compare ("facealpha"))
*** 2265,2270 ****
--- 2277,2284 ----
m["xdata"] = Matrix ();
m["ydata"] = Matrix ();
m["zdata"] = Matrix ();
+ m["faces"] = Matrix ();
+ m["vertices"] = Matrix ();
m["facecolor"] = color_property();
m["facealpha"] = 1.0;
m["edgecolor"] = color_property("black");
*** ./src/graphics.h.in.orig27 2007-10-12 12:13:57.788941113 +0200
--- ./src/graphics.h.in 2007-10-12 12:13:18.041885776 +0200
*** 1600,1605 ****
--- 1600,1607 ----
octave_value xdata
octave_value ydata
octave_value zdata
+ octave_value faces
+ octave_value vertices
color_property facecolor a
octave_value facealpha
color_property edgecolor a
- things for 3.0, John W. Eaton, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, Shai Ayal, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, Shai Ayal, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0,
David Bateman <=
- Re: things for 3.0, Shai Ayal, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, Shai Ayal, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, John W. Eaton, 2007/10/12
- Re: things for 3.0, David Bateman, 2007/10/13
- Re: things for 3.0, John W. Eaton, 2007/10/13
Re: things for 3.0, Peter A. Gustafson, 2007/10/12