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Re: Solaris: patches to run-octave.in

From: Moritz Borgmann
Subject: Re: Solaris: patches to run-octave.in
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 02:16:29 +0100

wouldn't it be easier to temporarily move your installed libraries move out of the way, and then test run-octave?

The old version should work fine.

If you run the old version with LD_PRELOAD taken out, it should fail because it doesn't find the libs.

My version should also run fine because LD_LIBRARY_PATH is interpreted by the loader.

This looks like an easier test procedure to me.



At 2:10 Uhr +0100 2007-12-04, David Bateman wrote:
Moritz Borgmann wrote:
 In any case, I don't think we absolutely have to exec Octave in the
 script.  David, would removing LD_PRELOAD and the exec fix the problem
 for you?

 To conclude the discussion, I propose the following patchset:

The problem is that issues only occurred for me when there was an API
mismatch between the installed libraries and the ones in the build tree.
 I suppose we can artificially create this situation by changing the api
version numbers between the installed libraries and those in the build
tree and testing your patch.. I'll try to do that sometime this week to
test this.


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