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Re: make check failure from current sources

From: Thomas Treichl
Subject: Re: make check failure from current sources
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 09:35:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080914)

Ben Abbott schrieb:
No. The problem remains. I'll be unusually busy for the next several days (at the least), but will try to dig a bit deeper into this problem.

If anyone else is building the developer's sources on Mac OSX, please let me/us know if you see this problem as well.

Hi Ben,

the problem is there (I also already tried Jaroslav's changeset too) - and if I comment out the first test of dblquad.m and then run 'make check' again then there appear some new failures that have not been there on my machine before. I cut the messages out of the fntests.log file:

>>>>> processing /Users/Thomas/Development/octave/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m
  ***** testif HAVE_QHULL
 rand('state', 0);
 x = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 y = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 z = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
 [xi, yi, zi] = meshgrid (-0.8:0.2:0.8);
##vi = reshape (griddatan([x(:), y(:), z(:)], v, [xi(:), yi(:), zi(:)], 'linear'), size (xi));
 vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, 'linear');
 vv = vi - xi.^2 - yi.^2 - zi.^2;
 assert (max(abs(vv(:))), 0, 0.1)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.  ***** testif HAVE_QHULL
 rand('state', 0);
 x = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 y = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 z = 2 * rand(1000, 1) - 1;
 v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
 [xi, yi, zi] = meshgrid (-0.8:0.2:0.8);
##vi = reshape (griddatan([x(:), y(:), z(:)], v, [xi(:), yi(:), zi(:)], 'linear'), size (xi));
 vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, 'nearest');
 vv = vi - xi.^2 - yi.^2 - zi.^2;
 assert (max(abs(vv(:))), 0, 0.1)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.
>>>>> processing /Users/Thomas/Development/octave/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m
  ***** testif HAVE_QHULL
 [xx,yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32));
 xi = [xx(:), yy(:)];
 x = (2 * rand(100,2) - 1);
 x = [x;1,1;1,-1;-1,-1;-1,1];
 y = sin(2*(sum(x.^2,2)));
 zz = griddatan(x,y,xi,'linear');
 zz2 = griddata(x(:,1),x(:,2),y,xi(:,1),xi(:,2),'linear');
 assert (zz, zz2, 1e-10)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.
>>>>> processing /Users/Thomas/Development/octave/scripts/geometry/rectint.m
>>>>> processing /Users/Thomas/Development/octave/scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m
  ***** test
 [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1,-1]);
 assert (idx, 1)
 assert (p, [1,0,0], 1e-12)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.shared variables {
  x =

    -1  -1
    -1   1
     1  -1

  tri =

     1   2   3

  ***** test
 [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1,1]);
 assert (idx, 1)
 assert (p, [0,1,0], 1e-12)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.shared variables {
  x =

    -1  -1
    -1   1
     1  -1

  tri =

     1   2   3

  ***** test
 [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[1,-1]);
 assert (idx, 1)
 assert (p, [0,0,1], 1e-12)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.shared variables {
  x =

    -1  -1
    -1   1
     1  -1

  tri =

     1   2   3

  ***** test
 [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1/3,-1/3]);
 assert (idx, 1)
 assert (p, [1/3,1/3,1/3], 1e-12)
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.shared variables {
  x =

    -1  -1
    -1   1
     1  -1

  tri =

     1   2   3

>>>>> processing 
  ***** assert (fullfile (""), "")
!!!!! test failed
A(I): Index exceeds matrix dimension.shared variables {
  fs = /
  fsx = /x
  xfs = x/
  fsxfs = /x/
  xfsy = x/y

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