2008/11/27 Abdelrazak Younes <address@hidden>:
FYI, Mingw development is a pita (i.e. slow as hell).
I don't develop on MinGW; I develop on Emacs and I have just
discovered it's possible to cross compile rather nicely from GNU to
Windows using MinGW (well, as nice as cross compiling can be, but I
don't mind it too much). Of course, after I cross compile, I would
need someone to help me test it...
2008/11/27 John Swensen <address@hidden>:
I am able to compile OctaveDE against
any version of Octave >3.0 without any patches or modifications to
Really? There's something I'm not understanding, then. The
octave_server class never got accepted into Octave, did it? At least I
can't find it, and I did Doxygenise all of the Octave source, so it
should have shown up in the class list. I thought you were patching
your own Octave with that class before running OctaveDE on top of it?
- Jordi G. H.