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Re: Writing 'help' functions as m-files

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: Writing 'help' functions as m-files
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 07:29:48 +0100

tor, 22 01 2009 kl. 18:30 -0500, skrev John W. Eaton:
> One thing I noticed is that lookfor prints syntax error message if
> there are syntax errors in functions in the load-path.  I think we
> need to find some way to avoid doing that.  Can it be done with a
> try/catch block or do we need something else?

Could you provide an example?

> Is there more to do?  I remember some discussion about cache files and
> needing to generate those when Octave is installed.  Am I remembering
> correctly?  Can you do that, or explain what needs to be done?

Basically, we need to call 'gen_doc_cache ()' at some point. This
function traverses the 'path ()' and generates a cache in each
directory. A cache is just a simple '.mat' file that contains the help
texts of the files in the directory. I am not sure when it is best to do

  * when Octave is built, or
  * when Octave is installed.

I'm guessing both will work. I'm guessing that the easiest solution is
to run 'octave --eval gen_doc_cache ()' at the end of the installation.

> Thanks,
> jwe

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