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Re: GUI work (was: Graphical help browser)

From: John Swensen
Subject: Re: GUI work (was: Graphical help browser)
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:20:38 -0500

On Jan 26, 2009, at 2:50 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:

On 23-Jan-2009, Ryan Rusaw wrote:

| I just use a std::stringstream << operator and the appropriate
| octave_value function, then just base64 encode the string.
| if (val.is_complex_type()) {
|        data_type = "octave_complex";
|        in << val.complex_value().real()
|                                << std::string(" + ")
|                                << val.complex_value().imag()
|                                << std::string("i");
| } else if (val.is_bool_type()) {
|        data_type = "bool";
|        in << val.bool_value();
| } else if (val.is_integer_type()) {
|        data_type = "int";
|        in << val.int_value();
| } else if (val.is_double_type() ||
|        val.is_single_type()) {
|        data_type = "float";
|        in << val.double_value();
| } else ...
|  b64.encode(in.str(), base64_encoding);
| Its entirely possible there is much more optimal way of doing so,
| especially when I'm iterating through matrices converting each
| element.

Doesn't something like

 in << val.double_value()

already convert to ASCII?  So why base64 encode it?

It seems to me that it would be better to avoid the conversion to/from
ascii when passing data between Octave and the IDE.


I think it is because it is what is defined by the specification for a protocol that is already supported by Eclipse, VI, and Emacs.

John Swensen

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