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deprecated functions

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: deprecated functions
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 15:05:15 -0500

I added the following text to the NEWS file.  Does anyone object?

 ** Deprecated functions.

    The following functions were deprecated in Octave 3.0 and will be
    removed in Octave 3.4 (or whatever version is the second major
    release after 3.0):

      beta_cdf         geometric_inv        pascal_inv
      beta_inv         geometric_pdf        pascal_pdf
      beta_pdf         geometric_rnd        pascal_rnd
      beta_rnd         hypergeometric_cdf   poisson_cdf
      binomial_cdf     hypergeometric_inv   poisson_inv
      binomial_inv     hypergeometric_pdf   poisson_pdf
      binomial_pdf     hypergeometric_rnd   poisson_rnd
      binomial_rnd     intersection         polyinteg
      chisquare_cdf    is_bool              setstr
      chisquare_inv    is_complex           struct_contains
      chisquare_pdf    is_list              struct_elements
      chisquare_rnd    is_matrix            t_cdf
      clearplot        is_scalar            t_inv
      clg              is_square            t_pdf
      com2str          is_stream            t_rnd
      create_set       is_struct            uniform_cdf
      exponential_cdf  is_symmetric         uniform_inv
      exponential_inv  is_vector            uniform_pdf
      exponential_pdf  isstr                uniform_rnd
      exponential_rnd  lognormal_cdf        weibcdf
      f_cdf            lognormal_inv        weibinv
      f_inv            lognormal_pdf        weibpdf
      f_pdf            lognormal_rnd        weibrnd
      f_rnd            meshdom              weibull_cdf
      gamma_cdf        normal_cdf           weibull_inv
      gamma_inv        normal_inv           weibull_pdf
      gamma_pdf        normal_pdf           weibull_rnd
      gamma_rnd        normal_rnd           wiener_rnd
      geometric_cdf    pascal_cdf

    The following functions are now deprecated in Octave 3.2 and will
    be removed in Octave 3.6 (or whatever version is the second major
    release after 3.2):

      dmult               spcholinv  splu
      iscommand           spcumprod  spmax
      israwcommand        spcumsum   spmin
      lchol               spdet      spprod
      loadimage           spdiag     spqr
      mark_as_command     spfind     spsum
      mark_as_rawcommand  spinv      spsumsq
      spatan2             spkron     str2mat
      spchol              splchol    unmark_command
      spchol2inv          split      unmark_rawcommand


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