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cygwin: src/sysdep.cc patch

From: Marco Atzeri
Subject: cygwin: src/sysdep.cc patch
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 15:06:07 +0000 (GMT)

Hi All,

the attached patch remove the call to
from src/sysdep.cc and replace with a more standard 

   if (tmpdir.empty ())
     tmpdir = "/tmp";
   octave_env::putenv ("TMPDIR", tmpdir);

The function was deprecated in cygwin-1.5 and has been
removed in cygwin-1.7.
As it was used to set TMPDIR=c:/temp that is also
deprecated in cygwin, I see no reason to mantain it.

This solution is already implemented in the
cygwin 3.0.x official packages.
Marco Atzeri

volunteer cygwin octave mantainer


Attachment: hg_sysdep.patch
Description: Text Data

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