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Re: type handling bug?

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: type handling bug?
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 12:50:24 +0200

tir, 26 05 2009 kl. 12:15 +0200, skrev Levente Torok:
> listing the two vectors together as
> [ [1:s]' z ]

Here 's' is a 'double' and 'z' is 'uint8'. In matlab, when you concat a
double and an uint8 you get an uint8. In Matlab 7.6 I see:

        >> class ([uint8(1), double(1)])
        ans =

So, this behaviour is compatible. My guess is that people mostly use the
integer classes to save memory, so Matlab downgrades other types to
integers when in doubt, to make sure that memory usage doesn't blow up.


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