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Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 38, Issue 56

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 38, Issue 56
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 14:53:47 -0400

On May 31, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Rik wrote:


Re: plot and image demos (growing window)
Ben Abbott <address@hidden>
Sat, 30 May 2009 03:13:39 -0400
Rik <address@hidden>

Rik <address@hidden>

Thanks Rik. The only difference I see in the two files are in the beginning.

From 9097

set terminal x11 enhanced title "Figure 1" ; set output "/dev/null";
reset; set autoscale fix;

From the current tip

set terminal x11 enhanced title "Figure 1" set output '/dev/null';
reset; set autoscale keepfix;

The "output" is not relevant as it is not present when rendered to the screen.

However, when add both the remaining differences to the current sources the window still grows.

Rik, can you confirm that your build for 9097 did *not* produce a growing window when running a gnuplot 4.2.5 or 4.3.0?
The problem definitely seems to be gnuplot related. For gnuplot version
4.2.2, revision 9097 works.  For gnuplot version 4.2.5, revision 9097
fails. 4.3 won't compile on my Hardy Heron box. I suppose we could try to work-around their bug if we could figure out how we are triggering it
or we will simply have to let it pass as being outside of Octave.



Thanks for confirming the relation to gnuplot. If this behavior can be produced without using Octave we should file a bug report. Other than that, I plan to leave it alone.


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