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Re: gnuplot font messages

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: gnuplot font messages
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 06:29:27 -0400

This problem has been fixed in the gnuplot sources. See below.



On May 31, 2009, at 6:42 PM, mnwhite wrote:

I have been getting similar messages for all sorts of simple plot commands when using Octave 3.0.5 with gnuplot 4.3, particularly when I try to save the figures with print(...). Any text on a figure, including axes labels, tick marks, figure title, or figure annotations generate similar warnings
and sometimes crashes.  The terminal warning tends to be of this sort:

error: gnuplot (as of v4.2) only supports 2D filled patches
error: called from `__go_draw_axes__' in file
/opt/local/share/octave/3.0.5/m/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m near line 538,
column 4

The code for my current project was originally written for Matlab and then modified slightly so that it runs properly on Octave as well. Everything runs fine on Octave 3.0.1 with gnuplot 4.2.1, but is disastrous in the most recent version. The release notes describe the recent versions as simple bug fixes, but it seems it has introduced many more bugs than were fixed (e.g. the new version completely ignores LineStyle specifications when using
plot(...)).  I have observed this both on a Mac and PC.

Have others experienced such debilitating problems when using the newest
version?  Any assistance you can provide would be most appreciated.

Ben Abbott wrote:

Can someone confirm the following behavior. When I type the following
commands into gnuplot

set terminal x11 enhanced
set xrange [0.00e+00:1.00e+00];
set ytics ( "{0}" 0,  "{0.5}" 0.5,  "{1}" 1,  "{1.5}" 1.5,  "{2}" 2)
font "Helvetica,14";
plot 2*x

I get the messages below.

setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14
setting font to Helvetica,14

I haven't seen any complaints from Octave users yet, so I thought I
should confirm its not just my installation.

By the way, if the curly brackets are removed, there are no messages.

set terminal x11 enhanced
set xrange [0.00e+00:1.00e+00];
set ytics ( "0" 0,  "0.5" 0.5,  "1" 1,  "1.5" 1.5,  "2" 2) font
plot 2*x

Ethan/Petr, is gnuplot expected to behave this way? If so, can these
messages be suppressed without suppressing everything sent to stderr?


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