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Re: Patch for OOP example.

From: Jaroslav Hajek
Subject: Re: Patch for OOP example.
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 10:21:22 +0200

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Robert T. Short
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Jaroslav & John,
> I can easily resubmit this patch later if it is a pain to deal with.  The
> changes I made won't impact anything outside of the one example suite.
> Examples with errors are kind of a bummer, but no major problem.
> Bob

I applied the patch to the release-3-2-x repository.
I noticed that a few methods (subsasgn, subsref) still didn't work or
worked differently than mentioned in the docs.
In particular, I updated subsasgn and subsref to handle the full index
chain, i.e. stuff like
a.poly(1:2) = [3,4]
will work correctly.
I added a notice about this to the docs. I also changed the {}
semantics so that a{i} means the coefficient of x^i, as the
documentation says. a(i) = x gripes (makes no sense).
There's still room for more error checks and improvements (such as
stripping leading zeros after assignments), but I hope the examples
need not be perfect.


RNDr. Jaroslav Hajek
computing expert & GNU Octave developer
Aeronautical Research and Test Institute (VZLU)
Prague, Czech Republic
url: www.highegg.matfyz.cz

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