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Re: MinGW build of 3.2.0: shared libstdc++

From: Benjamin Lindner
Subject: Re: MinGW build of 3.2.0: shared libstdc++
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 11:50:46 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

Alexander Mamonov wrote:
Hi Benjamin,

I did as you suggested - I put the -shared-libgcc flag into the
definition of gcc, g++ and gfortran, and then I hacked the make files
to have -lsdtc++_s in the end of every link call. And it worked! I now
have a build of 3.2.0 which has no problems throwing exceptions across
the boundaries of .oct files. Thank you for all your help!

That's good news.
I'm currently struggling with some glitches trying to build the symbolic package, once these are solved I'll upload a 3.2.0/mingw32 release.

I know that you use a flag CXXLIBS in your patches to build MinGW
Windows binaries. Maybe you could submit a changeset to make this flag
a standard feature of configure script? Then Octave would be buildable
in MinGW with dynamic libraries without any modifications to make

True, I have a local changeset using the CXXLIBS flag. I hestitated to submit it yet because obviously shared libstd++ on mingw is considered a bit of a hack, and newer ports of TDM's gcc no longer include it, with a remark of "problems". I haven't figured out what these "problems" are though, and the octave builds work fine with it.


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