*Hello octave maintainers !
Octave Mingw 3.2.0 crashes on my XP SP3 machine when :
a. certain eval commands are executed within function after octave startup
b. clear functions command is executed
I am attaching a test function code (testf1.m) and listing hereafter
some examples which lead to such crashes.
The examples have been run immediately after octave startup.
% example A - crash, no exception notice:
[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;'',''a'');','a','b'); % ok
clear functions % crashes, no exception notice
**% example B - above line function calling succeeds when it is called
in two stages but crashes when clearing functions, no exception notice:
**a=testf1('a=1;c=3;','a'); % ok
**[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;'',''a'');','a','b'); % ok
clear functions** % crashes, no exception notice
**% example C - crashes with windows Application Error popup:
[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;c=3;'',''a'');','a','b'); % crashes
Example C above generates an windows application error popup:
The instruction at "0x7c9104fa" referenced memory at "0xfffffffd", The
memory could not be "read".
Click OK to terminate the program
I have followed some threads regarding the possibility that SWIG related
packages are causing these crashes so I have tried the above examples
also after executing
pkg unload all
and still having these crashes.