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Re: fltk

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: fltk
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 2009 11:04:44 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090814 Fedora/3.0-2.6.b3.fc11 Thunderbird/3.0b3


Without the backend("fltk") I tried commands like:

title("hello again")
h = get (gca (),"title")
get (0, "defaulttextfontname")
set(h, "string", "more news")
set(h, "fontname", "Helvetica")
get (0, "defaulttextfontname")

They all worked as expected.  So, at least part of the
problem is due to differences in font property handling
between fltk and gnuplot.  It would seem to me that the
property handling should be the same (even same code)
for both.  Is this true?

Also, commands like set(h, "fontsize", 10) work correctly
in both gnuplot and fltk.  It seems to be only the fontname
property that goes wrong in fltk.


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