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Re: fltk printing

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: fltk printing
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 08:36:29 -0700
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On 08/07/2010 07:19 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
On Aug 7, 2010, at 10:06 PM, Michael D Godfrey wrote:

> On 08/07/2010 06:40 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
>> If you add `'disp("__go_close_all__")'  to __go_close_all__, create the my foobar.m function add type `atexit ("foobar")' at the command line, what happens when you ...
>> 	close all
>> 	backend fltk
>> 	plot (1:10)
>> 	print test.pdf
> Could you make this more explicit?  Is there a single script that we could just try?
> In particular, how to do: 
> add `'disp("__go_close_all__")'  to __go_close_all__, create the my foobar.m function add type `atexit ("foobar")' at the command line,
> If I can figure it out I will give it a try.  I think what you found in drawnow is important.
> Michael
Sorry, no script.

(1) please edit __go_close_all__.m and add `disp ("__go_close_all__")' to the end.

(2) create a new file/function called foorbar.m tjhat contains the lines ...

	function foobar ()
	  disp ("Bye World")
	  pause ()

Both foobar.m and the modifiied __go_close_all__.m should be in the current directory when octave is run.

(3) run octave, and at the command line type ....

	atexit ("foobar")

What happens? You should get "Bye World" followed by a pause. After you hit <return>, you should get "__go_close_all__"

(4) run octave and at the command line type ...

	atexit ("foobar")
	close all
	backend fltk
	plot (1:10)At (3) I got what you said above.
	print test.pdf

What happens? In this case, I get nothing reported to the command line and the file "test.pdf" is created.

Given Dimitri's comments, in your case, I assume the functions registered to be called when Octave exists will be run.


I did these steps on my local machine and got:
At (3) I got what you said above.
At (4) I got:
octave:1> atexit("foobar")
octave:2> close all
octave:3> backend fltk
octave:4> plot(1:10)
octave:5> print test.pdf
octave:6> quit

Bye world
And, the plot is correct.

Then I did the same thing after ssh to another machine (so now all the plotting has to
go through X11/ssh to show up on my local screen).  In this case I got the same for (3)
but (4) gives:
octave:1> atexit("foobar")
octave:2> close all
octave:3> backend fltk
octave:4> plot(1:10)
octave:5> print test.pdf
GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
warning: print.m: ghostscript failed to convert output to file 'test.pdf'.
No such file or directory
warning: print.m: failed to delete temporay file, '/tmp/oct-1QhiPo.eps'.
octave:6> quit

Bye World
And, the plot is empty, of course.


And, the plot screen is black.

This is with Shai's latest patch.  But, none of the experimental code that
we treid yesterday.


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