On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Jaroslav Hajek
<address@hidden> wrote:
I don't think df{1:3,1:3} should return a cell array, but rather a
cs-list. Otherwise, df{1,1} should return a cell array as well.
Oops. You're right.
Also, going back to Pascal's original .as.something idea. I hadn't realized that the cast can be implemented generically using the cast() function--so, I was completely off base to assert that adding new types would require modifying @dataframe/subsref since .as.something simply receives passes "something" as a string inside the idx parameter to subsref() and calls cast() using the string. Which seems to be what Pascal has done. Not needing to modify subsref totally invalidates my concerns. In my testing with dataframe things seem to work fine so far (I haven't done anything extremely fancy) So... maybe I should just say "nevermind" and shut up.