> Currently only the FLTK backend uses epstool and fig2dev, but not to produce pdf. The warnings are given in __print_parse_opse__.m since that function looks for them. The function __fltk_print__.m determines if they are needed.
> If either of these tools aren't present, the warning is only given once.
> I'd like to change the behavior associated with the warnings, but haven't been happy with any solutions I've come up with.
> (1) Should the user be made aware that these tools are not available, even if he doesn't currently use them?
> (2) Should the warnings only be given when the tool is needed?
I like this option combined with (3). Octave has adopted this strategy in
other instances. For example, If I'm not doing work with sparse matrices I
don't need 'eigs' functionality, and I don't get a warning until I try to
use it.
A simple check would be to apply the warning only when FLTK is the backend,
but a more fine-grained warning would be nicer.
> (3) Should the help text document which output devices depend upon these tools?
Assuming it's not too cumbersome to explicitly list which devices need
these tools I think we should do this.