On Feb 3, 2011, at 2:01 PM, bpabbott wrote:
> On Feb 03, 2011, at 01:07 PM, Richard Campbell <
address@hidden> wrote:
>> Ben,
>> I DID use gcc before I ever tried clang. I just verified that it also worked with clang.
>> Octave builds on OSX for me with
>> a) 32 bit using gcc 4.2x from Apple, gfortran 4.2.x from ATT, with -ff2c flag, without BLAS wrapper, without FLTK, without -D__LISTS__
>> b) 64 bit using gcc 4.2.x from Apple, gfortran 4.2.x from ATT, without -ff2c flag, with BLAS wrapper, without FLTK, without -D__LISTS__
>> c) 64 bit using clang from Apple, gfortran 4.2.x from ATT, without -ff2c flag, with BLAS wrapper, without FLTK, without -D__LISTS__
>> Campbell
> I'm having some trouble keeping up with all of this. I'll add instructions for what I understand is needed for both 32 and 64bit. Going forward we should get back to the usual diffs/changesets.
> Thanks
> Ben
What are "the usual diffs/changesets?"