I am trying to implement the "size" and "position" options for the
windows terminal, which gnuplot 4.4.2 supports.
I discovered, that setting the figures size&position with
set(gcf,"position", [200,200,400,300])
does not result in the plotting window changing its size & position,
which is due to the fact, that the respective size_str is not applied
for already open plotting windows.
It requires the following change to work
@@ -272,7 +278,7 @@
term_str = sprintf ("%s %s", term_str, title_str);
if (isempty (strfind (term, "corel")))
- if (! isempty (size_str) && new_stream)
+ if (! isempty (size_str) )
## size_str comes after other options to permit specification of
## the canvas size for terminals cdr/corel.
term_str = sprintf ("%s %s", term_str, size_str);
and I wanted to ask, what was the reason for only using the size
string for new plotting windows, and not for already open ones?