> Ok. You're seeing the problem that was reported in the bug tracker. If you add the fontname, then it should work.
> text(0.5,0.5,'\int_0^x e^(-x) dx','fontsize',20, 'fontname', 'Helvetica', 'interpreter', 'tex')
> ... assuming you have "Helvetica".
I fear I am making a fool of myself here, I still don't really see it.
I tried
plot([0:1], [0:1]);
text(0.5,0.5,'\int_0^x e^(-x) dx','fontsize',20);
text(0.3,0.3,'\int_0^x e^(-x)
ylabel('foo in mm^2');
plot([0:1], [0:1]);
text(0.5,0.5,'\int_0^x e^(-x) dx','fontsize',20);
text(0.3,0.3,'\int_0^x e^(-x)
ylabel('foo in mm^2');
for both fltk and gnuplot (4.5.0 CVS) backend, and for both with the
"{}" part in __go_draw_axes__.m enabled and disabled.
For the fltk backend all 4 figures look exactly alike - no enhanced
text, just literal text (both texts and the ylabel)
For the gnuplot backend, the respective pair of figures looks again
alike, now with enhanced text (both texts and the ylabel), but with
the "{}" setting in __go_draw_axes__.m, part of ylabel is not rotated.
Without the "{}" setting, the ylabel is correctly displayed.
I guess there is something else screwed up with my setup then. Hooray...