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Re: 3.4.1 release and FLTK

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: 3.4.1 release and FLTK
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 21:00:30 -0700
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On 04/04/2011 08:25 PM, Rik wrote:
On 04/04/2011 06:01 PM, Michael D Godfrey wrote:
> On 04/04/2011 04:35 PM, Rik wrote:
>> On 04/04/2011 03:35 PM, Michael D. Godfrey wrote:
>>> > I would like to add: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?32980
>>> > 
>>> > This is the fact that OpenGL accepts doubles but converts
>>> > to single.  Thus if some data points are outside the float range they are
>>> > plotted incorrectly.  Also, if axes are specified outside the float range they
>>> > are not handled correctly.  This case is pretty obvious, but the data
>>> > points getting "lost" is not.  No warning or error is issued in these cases.
>>> > 
>>> > Gnuplot handles this correctly.  So, people expect correct double results.
>>> > 
>>> > I would say that until this is fixed the fltk backend cannot be considered
>>> > to be reliable.
>> I absolutely agree, but I don't think we need this for the 3.4.1 release.
>> I thought the switchover from gnuplot to FLTK as the default was expected
>> only before the next major release, i.e., 3.6.  Also, I'm not sure that
>> this has a simple fix.  Do we just need to add listeners on the
>> xdata,ydata,zdata channels and warn if values exceed 1e38?
>> --Rik
> Good!  This means that for 3.4.1 we should make clear that there are
> problems, and
> mention this specifically and very clearly.
I just added a *Caution* warning to the documentation.

In addition, we might want to consider issuing a warning, say whenever the
FLTK backend is initialized through __init_fltk__.  This would generally be
executed just once per session so it wouldn't be too obtrusive, but would
still accomplish the goal of informing the user about the limitations in
the FLTK toolkit.

I have just quickly looked at the code in scripts/plot and it appears not too hard,
or risky, to insert range checks on the values set in the axis property (conditional
on fltk backend).  If axes out of range generates an error then part of the problem
is solved.  As long as the axis values are valid for fltk the only problem with points
out of range is that they will not appear, which is true anyhow.

Can someone more familiar with this code comment if this makes sense?


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