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Re: Qhull 2012.1 questions

From: Brad Barber
Subject: Re: Qhull 2012.1 questions
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 23:18:26 -0500

Hi all,

Marco proposed the following changes to Qhull as part of his cygwin build.  
Most of them look OK to me.

Please review the following changes.  Let me know which ones are good and which 
are not so good.   I'd like to use the same conventions for all builds.  There 
will probably be a rerelease of Qhull 2012-1 next week.

1)  Move installed documentation from 

2) Move installed man pages from

3) Remove the installation of user_eg* and testqset.  Continue to build them 
into Qhull's local bin directory.

4) Remove cmake's target VERSION from executables

5) Set cmake's SOVERSION to 6 and remove $qhull_MAJOR.  The dll's would have 
the following names.  A source of confusion is that qhull 2011 produced 
qhull6.dll for qh_QHpointer.   Any users would need to refer to qhull_p-6.dll 
(and not! qhull-6.dll).

>  /usr/bin/cygqhull-6.dll
>  /usr/bin/cygqhull_p-6.dll

6) Merge Road*.h and Road*.cpp from 

7) Keep libqhullstatic.a.   Marco prefers 'libqhull.a' and CLEAN_DIRECT_OUTPUT. 
   Using libqhullstatic.a avoids conflicts between libqhull.a and libqhull.so.  
 Renaming libqhull.so to libqhull-6.so would remove this conflict.   Does 
anyone else prefer libqhull.a?

8) Continue to build the qhull executables as static builds.   It makes them 
standalone and simplifies moving them elsewhere.

9) Retain the prolog for q_eg, q_egtest, and q_test.  It checks that the script 
is launched in the top-level directory.   Maybe change the tests to error only 
if qhull is inaccessible.

10) Redo the error message for nearly-cospherical Delaunay sites (e.g., rbox c 
| qdelaunay).   The option 'Qz' is particularly valuable in this case.


Attachment: qhull-2012.1-1.src.patch
Description: Text document

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