>> Michael,
>> This defiantly looks like a bug in LLVM to me. I'll bring it up with
>> the LLVM people. In the mean time I'm thinking of not using the SSE
>> instructions for complex operations. I'm not sure how much benefit
>> there is considering complex numbers only have two values.
>> In the mean time I think it might be useful if I could test JIT on
>> msvc directly. Are you build scripts available somewhere?
> I've put my build script (and current octave patch) available at these
> locations:
> The entry point is the build.sh script, that I call like:
> ./build.sh --msvc --prefix=/c/Software/VC10Libs <module_name>
> where <module_name> is the name of the module to compile (see modules/
> subdir for a module list). Note, this is a DIY framework, don't expect too
> much from it.
> Michael.