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[Agora] Single, Bundle, Forge

From: JuanPi
Subject: [Agora] Single, Bundle, Forge
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 13:28:36 +0200


Carne rose the issue that the names single, bundle and forge weren't
meant to stick. I personally like them. But maybe is time to collect
some ideas

In general lines the names stand for

* Single: A upload of a single file. The only requirement are that it
is code usable in Octave and that the file is released under a GPL
compatible license.
* Bundle: A zip file with multiple files. May or may not have the
structure of a package. Even with package structure it is not
guaranteed that it will install.
* Forge: A zip file containing the structure of a package. A Forge
package must install correctly, must work  and all GNU Octave coding
criteria applies.

Any body against these names? If so, please give alternatives.


JuanPi Carbajal
"The bad economist pursues a small present good, which will be
followed by a great evil to come, while the true economist pursues a
great good to come, at the risk of a small present evil." - Frédéric

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