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Re: [OctDev] On the union of two communities - The GNU Octave atmosphere

From: Jacob Dawid
Subject: Re: [OctDev] On the union of two communities - The GNU Octave atmosphere
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:37:42 +0200

I proposed to use collaboration platform like Open Atrium (free software licensed under GPL) already some time ago. It would fit this scenario perfectly, because users can register on such a platform, write something about themselves and then join workgroups dedicated to a certain task. So, we would have been a single community on a member level, but at some point working isolated in groups (each group has it's own bugtracker and wiki) depending on our interests. You can be a member of several groups, if you wish.

On the website of a friend and me we were setting up an atrium instance for our own, accumulated free software projects. You may take a look there to get a feel of what I mean: http://community.moon-studios.com/

The reason this proposal did not get any grip was that the octave site is hosted on Savannah and they only allow static pages. Open Atrium requires php.

I think there are valid points in having a separation as well as having unity.

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