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Re: dlgtest() no longer needs Octave package

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: dlgtest() no longer needs Octave package
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:11:13 -0600
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On 11/27/2012 08:07 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 28 November 2012 02:58, Daniel J Sebald<address@hidden>  wrote:
Regarding some of the functions in the java package and directing to the
broader list, are the names "errordlg", "helpdlg", etc. language standards?
If not, I wonder if their names should include "java" in some way.  The
reason I wonder is because if one launches Octave with the new GUI/IDE then
it seems to me that "errordlg", etc. would be nicer as a Qt widget, not
Java.  That way, it is the same look and feel and uses just one software

I just tried creating some Java dialog boxes under the Octave IDE and it
crashes on my system.  Should we start entering bugs for Java in the
tracker, or wait a while?

You are right, this things would look better as Qt widgets, and my
understanding is that these functions are going to be rewritten that
way. There's no reason for them to be limited to use java.


It's probably not too difficult to create those dialog widgets if written as internal routines; at least not the modal version. Qt has a number of similar routines, and they do handle non-modal as well as modal versions. But to do non-modal requires some organization in Octave core for assigning callback routines, etc., i.e., something similar to what was done with figures.


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