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Re: gnulib warnings when compiling Faddeeva.cc

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: gnulib warnings when compiling Faddeeva.cc
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 14:38:45 -0500

On 14 December 2012 14:13, Steven G. Johnson <address@hidden> wrote:

> b) use <cmath> and GNULIB_NAMESPACE::floor; this may be nonportable since it
> assumes that the system <cmath> header includes math.h and is compatible
> with the gnulib math.h

This isn't any more nonportable than math.h unless you have a perhaps
justifiable C++ phobia; cmath is supposed to be exactly the same as
math.h and calls the same functions; the difference is it puts them in
an std:: namespace and turns a few macros into proper functions,
possibly overloaded, plus a few other minor documented differences
that GNU's libstdc++ adheres to. The relevant chapter and verse of
C++11 is 26.8.3

On an unrelated note, I was thinking, I want to stomp all over the
style in your Faddeeva file, such as for example fixing the whitespace
(no tabs!) and getting rid of the needless C macros. Since this is our
function now and you are tracking our hg repo so you can easily merge
back, this is ok, right?

- Jordi G. H.

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