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Re: Can someone test this for me in MATLAB?

From: Richard Crozier
Subject: Re: Can someone test this for me in MATLAB?
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 20:31:11 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20121010 Thunderbird/16.0.1

On 04/01/2013 19:56, Michael Goffioul wrote:
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Michael D. Godfrey
<address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    On 01/04/2013 02:27 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote:

        Actually, nothing worked. "PropertyList" and "MethodList" are
        not supported yet by your MATLAB version, and it seems "addpath"
        does not support relative paths (looks again like an octave

        Please try this mordified archive. Sorry for the back and forth...


    Well, I meant that it got over the first level of Matlab stuff...
    Here is
    new output.  Better...

Indeed, thanks. There was still an error in test3 (I can't test it on
octave, because methods defined in separate files are not supported
yet). Could you try this modified archive. This should be the last time.


For info, in Matlab r2012a I get:

>> run
-- running     @test_1

x =

  Test1 handle

    p1: 0.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of x: p1
=> edit Test1.m and uncomment property "p2" [press <Enter> when done]

y =

  Test1 handle

    p1: 0.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of y: p1
-- running     @test_2

cb1 =

  meta.class handle
  Package: meta

                     Name: 'Test2_b'
              Description: ''
      DetailedDescription: ''
                   Hidden: 0
                   Sealed: 0
          ConstructOnLoad: 0
         HandleCompatible: 1
          InferiorClasses: {0x1 cell}
        ContainingPackage: []
             PropertyList: [0x1 meta.property]
               MethodList: [19x1 meta.method]
                EventList: [1x1 meta.event]
    EnumerationMemberList: [0x1 meta.EnumeratedValue]
           SuperclassList: [1x1 meta.class]

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Methods of Test2_b: m1, Test2_b, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
=> edit Test2_a.m and make method block sealed [press <Enter> when done]

cb2 =

  meta.class handle
  Package: meta

                     Name: 'Test2_b'
              Description: ''
      DetailedDescription: ''
                   Hidden: 0
                   Sealed: 0
          ConstructOnLoad: 0
         HandleCompatible: 1
          InferiorClasses: {0x1 cell}
        ContainingPackage: []
             PropertyList: [0x1 meta.property]
               MethodList: [19x1 meta.method]
                EventList: [1x1 meta.event]
    EnumerationMemberList: [0x1 meta.EnumeratedValue]
           SuperclassList: [1x1 meta.class]

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Methods of Test2_b: m1, Test2_b, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj

x =

  Test2_b handle with no properties.
  Methods, Events, Superclasses

x.m1() =      1.0000e+000

-- running     @test_3

Methods of x: m1, Test3, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () =      1.0000e+000

=> edit @Test3/m1.m and change output value to be 0 [press <Enter> when done]
x.m1 () =      1.0000e+000

y.m1 () =      1.0000e+000

-- running     @test_4

x =

  Test4 handle

    p1: 4.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of x: p1
Methods of x: m1, Test4, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () =      4.0000e+000

Warning: Although the class file for 'Test4' can no longer be found, the class cannot be destroyed because objects based on the old file still exist. If you use those objects, you might get unexpected
results. See 'help clear' for information on how to remove those objects.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:class:cannotUpdateClass:Missing" to suppress this warning.)
> In run>print_object_properties at 50
  In run>test_4 at 97
  In run>run_test at 17
  In run at 7
Properties of x: p1
Warning: Although the class file for 'Test4' can no longer be found, the class cannot be destroyed because objects based on the old file still exist. If you use those objects, you might get unexpected
results. See 'help clear' for information on how to remove those objects.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:class:cannotUpdateClass:Missing" to suppress this warning.)
> In run>print_object_methods at 54
  In run>test_4 at 98
  In run>run_test at 17
  In run at 7
Methods of x: m1, Test4, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () = -- error occured while executing     @test_4

Error using Test4/m1
Method 'm1' is not defined for class 'Test4' or is removed from MATLAB's search path.
-- running     @test_5

x =

  Test5_b handle

    p1: 1.0000e+000
    p0: 0.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of x: p1, p0
Methods of x: m1, Test5_b, empty, m0, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () =      1.0000e+000

Properties of x: p1, p0
Methods of x: m1, Test5_b, empty, m0, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () = -- error occured while executing     @test_5

Method 'm1' is not defined for class 'Test5_a' or is removed from MATLAB's search path.
-- running     @test_6

x =

  Test6 handle

    p6: 6.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of x: p6
Methods of x: m1, Test6, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () =      6.0000e+000

Warning: A new class file for 'Test6' was found in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d2'. This is not the original class file in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d1'. Objects based on the original class file still exist, but if you use those objects, you might get unexpected results. To use the new class file, first use the 'clear' command to remove those objects. See 'help clear' for information on how to remove
those objects.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:class:cannotUpdateClass:New" to suppress this warning.)
> In run>print_object_properties at 50
  In run>test_6 at 125
  In run>run_test at 17
  In run at 9
Properties of x: p6
Warning: A new class file for 'Test6' was found in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d2'. This is not the original class file in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d1'. Objects based on the original class file still exist, but if you use those objects, you might get unexpected results. To use the new class file, first use the 'clear' command to remove those objects. See 'help clear' for information on how to remove
those objects.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:class:cannotUpdateClass:New" to suppress this warning.)
> In run>print_object_methods at 54
  In run>test_6 at 126
  In run>run_test at 17
  In run at 9
Methods of x: m1, Test6, empty, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj x.m1 () = Warning: A new class file for 'Test6' was found in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d2'. This is not the original class file in directory 'C:\Documents and Settings\s0237326\My Documents\matlab\octave-test\test6\d1'. Objects based on the original class file still exist, but if you use those objects, you might get unexpected results. To use the new class file, first use the 'clear' command to remove those objects. See 'help clear' for information on how to remove
those objects.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:class:cannotUpdateClass:New" to suppress this warning.)
> In Test6>Test6.m1 at 7
  In run>test_6 at 127
  In run>run_test at 17
  In run at 9
-- error occured while executing     @test_6

No appropriate method, property, or field p6b for class Test6.
-- running     @test_7

x =

  Test7_b handle

    p1: 1.0000e+000
    p0: 0.0000e+000

  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Properties of x: p1, p0
Methods of x: m1, Test7_b, empty, m0, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () =      1.0000e+000

Properties of x: p1, p0
Methods of x: m1, Test7_b, empty, m0, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, delete, isvalid, findprop, notify, notify, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, addlistener, findobj
x.m1 () = -- error occured while executing     @test_7

No appropriate method, property, or field m2 for class Test7_b.


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