> So I just found the first problem with this syntax. What will
> "nargout" return inside a function that does not declare an output
> variable yet uses decorated return statements? We could make it leave
> it at zero, and arguably if you're using both nargout and this new
> syntax you should be considered to be in error. More difficultly,
> perhaps nargout should parse the whole function first to see if there
> is a bare and a non-bare return statement? But then is it possible for
> a function to have both bare and non-bare return statements, in which
> case, what would nargout return?
> New syntax is a very delicate matter... The multiple return arguments
> of Matlab that we have to keep in Octave are very problematic:
> If nargout should ignore the new syntax and just work as it is, this
> is probably easiest, but I bet someone will think that this is the
> wrong choice.
> - Jordi G. H.