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Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 18

From: John Donoghue
Subject: Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 18
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 16:57:08 -0400
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On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 4:31 PM, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
We currently have a big hard-coded list of "keywords" (actually mostly function names) in libgui/src/resource-manager.cc that are used by the GUI editor for syntax highlighting. Instead of the static list, I'd like to get the list of keywords from Octave. That part is easy, but when I started looking at how this list is used, I noticed that the QsciLexer keywords function can have more than one class of keywords. What do the class IDs correspond to? What should be in set 1, 2, 3, etc.?
I think it's up to the person writing the lexer to define what the available sets correspond to. The comments in this link [1] indicates this is primarily intended to support languages embedded into other languages (first example that comes to my mind is HTML/PHP). Michael. [1] https://code.google.com/p/ste-editor/source/browse/trunk/application/3rdparty/qscintilla/Qt4/Qsci/qscilexer.h?r=3

Currently, the matlab/octave Scintilla lexer code only uses the 1 set of keywords.

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