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Re: GSoC - Incomplete factorization project, ITSOL

From: Kai Torben Ohlhus
Subject: Re: GSoC - Incomplete factorization project, ITSOL
Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:39:47 +0200
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On 05/31/2013 05:04 PM, Ruipeng Li wrote:
Hi, Kai

sure we can talk about it anytime you like and also I can provide you
  the standalone C code of ILUTP and ILUK.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Kai Torben Ohlhus <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    On 05/31/2013 04:32 PM, Yousef Saad wrote:


           Both Ruipeng  and I will  be able to  help with advice  and
           For one thing  we have stand-along implementations of  ILUT
        (+ ILUTP)
           and ILUK  [not available in matlab-  except for ILU0]  which
        are more
           efficient and  easier to implement  than those you will
          extract from
           ITSOL.  I will be fairly available after July 15th.

           With best regards,

           Yousef Saad

        On Fri, 31 May 2013, Kai Torben Ohlhus wrote:

            On 05/31/2013 02:34 AM, Nir Krakauer wrote:


                It looks like Ruipeng will not be able to particpate in
                GSoC. So you
                should go ahead with studying ITSOL and deciding how to
                interface to
                Octave. Hopefully Ruipeng and Yousef will still be
                available for some
                advice and guidance.


            Oh, what a pity! Okay then I continue my plan with Octave-forge
            project as a first step.


        Yousef Saad
        University of Minnesota
        Dept of computer Science & Eng. address@hidden
        4-192 Keller Hall                               ph: (612) 624
        7804 <tel:%28612%29%20624%207804>
        200 Union st. SE. http://www.cs.umn.edu/~saad
        Minneapolis, MN 55155                           fax: (612) 625
        0572 <tel:%28612%29%20625%200572>

    Thank you for your reply Yousef Saad,

    Was it possible to provide me your implementations? Otherwise I am
    looking forward to talk to you and Ruipeng in July.

    With best regards,


   Ruipeng Li
   Dept of Computer Science & Eng.
   University of Minnesota
   5-250 Keller Hall
   200 Union st. SE.
   Minneapolis, MN 55155

Hello Ruipeng Li,

thank you for your support, too. Yes, it would be very nice, if you could provide me the standalone versions via email, if possible (address@hidden or address@hidden). Or are these sources online available (e.g. your university homepage)?

I had already a closer look at the online available ITSOL_2 library. Are the standalone versions implemented for the modified CSR-format, too? I was afraid, that a transposition of input and output matrices will have a great impact on the computation time. Do you have some experience with this circumstance?

Kind regards,


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