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Re: [octave:code] [r11948] - gedeone-octave: Changed the name of the fun

From: c.
Subject: Re: [octave:code] [r11948] - gedeone-octave: Changed the name of the function to mshm_dolfin_read Added a demo Try to follow the Octave code formatting guidelines
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 21:51:39 +0200

Hi Marco,

I just noticed your commit:

> http://sourceforge.net/p/octave/code/11948/

On 9 Jun 2013, at 19:58, Repository Octave Forge code <address@hidden> wrote:

> Changed the name of the function to mshm_dolfin_read
> Added a demo
> Try to follow the Octave code formatting guidelines

your code still does not comply with the style guidlines, 
here are some examples of things you should change:

  if( D == 2) e.resize(7,num_f);

this should be formatted as

  if (D == 2) 
    e.resize (7, num_f);


  std::string mesh_to_read = args(0).string_value();

should be

  std::string mesh_to_read = args(0).string_value ();


1) leave a space before opening  parentheses when calling a function or a method
   don't leave the space if indexing an array
2) add a space after a comma
3) don't leave a space after an open parenthesis and before the closing 

also your docstring is still plain text and not texinfo.


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