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RE: Building on MinGW using MXE-built dependencies [WAS: Re: mxe-install

From: John D
Subject: RE: Building on MinGW using MXE-built dependencies [WAS: Re: mxe-installer try 2]
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:16:21 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Nienhuis [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 5:08 PM
To: John W. Eaton
Cc: John D; address@hidden; 'Clemens Buchacher'
Subject: Re: Building on MinGW using MXE-built dependencies [WAS: Re:
mxe-installer try 2]

John W. Eaton wrote:
> On 06/11/2013 04:18 PM, Philip Nienhuis wrote:
>> On my list is finding out how to build using mxe-octave on Windows 7 
>> 64-bit,
> I'm starting to try the same thing now, so maybe we can help each 
> other and make it work.
>  > as that runs on my fastest dev box (the build I referred to runs
>> on an older Core Duo desktop).
>> I consistently get configure messages that "gcc cannot build 
>> executables", with the log mentioning that ld cannot find a.o., 
>> -ladvapi32. Now, advapi32.dll and friends are in the 
>> C:\Windows\system32 dir which *is* in the MinGW PATH as 
>> /c/windows/system32. I've experimented with LDFLAGS and other tricks 
>> to no avail :-) Google didn't turn up a solution yet.
>> I think this is a very MinGW-specific issue.
> This is with the 64-bit mingw and tools? Why is it trying to link with 
> advapi32? If that is normal, then where is that dependency coming from?
> Is it explicitly listed in some Makefiles?

Turns out a "mingw-get mingw32-gcc" fixed it. That installed a load of
dependencies I apparently overlooked and skipped. mxe-octave just succeeded
building bison, now it is building cmake (on Win7 64-bit).
Tomorrow morning I'll check the results.


I had lots of fun with cmake and AVG thinking it had viruses during the
compile - xml2 did the same thing .

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