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Re: New recruit!

From: Pascal Dupuis
Subject: Re: New recruit!
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:32:19 +0200

Hello Richard,

A place where I find Octave could be better is about high-precision
arithmetic. Currently, a matrix is considered as badly scaled if its
condition number is smaller than 10^16; with some kind of simulations
this is a limiting factor.

There are a number of higher precision libs: Gnu MPL, ARPREC, MPACK, ...

Supporting higher precision means
1) choosing some lib
2) integrating it smoothly inside Octave
3) make either a new octave type, either a new octave class available
in order to support it
4) imagine how to bind this new type with the octave core functions,
in particular the fortran libs



2013/6/24 Richard Clift <address@hidden>:
> Hey,
>   I'm a PhD in applied maths in england and I want to improve my programming
>     so I thought it be a good idea to help out Octave.
>     I thought I start off small and then increasingly to more and more!
>     so i'm open to suggestions hopefully I can help :)
>     Richard

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