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Re: GSoC project - LaTeX/TeX

From: Andrej Lojdl
Subject: Re: GSoC project - LaTeX/TeX
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:03:05 +0200

2013/6/26 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
Andrej, just curious, have you written anything significant in LaTeX
before this project?

If not, spend at least a good day reading this:


There seems to be problem with file size so I'm sending the mail again. Sorry for double posting. 
Me and my friends at university (or how we call it faculty), were using LaTeX for archiving our notes (intro course from mathematics - 5 days lectures of high school mathematics). It wasn't something special 
but it had pretty number of formulas. And I'm running through manual (http://www.mediafire.com/download/27s8lnl1ohtmwpb/LaTeX.pdf.zip), for which I can't remember where I downloaded.
But thanks for help. I will take a look at manual you proposed. 


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