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Re: need a test in matlab to implement imformats in Octave

From: Laurent Hoeltgen
Subject: Re: need a test in matlab to implement imformats in Octave
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 17:02:11 +0200
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On 07/05/2013 04:50 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 5 July 2013 08:22, PhilipNienhuis <address@hidden> wrote:
Carnë Draug-4 wrote

could someone with matlab run a test for me in. I'm trying to
understand how the image IO functions work after messing up with
imformats. The test is the following:

This contains quite a bit of invalid ML syntax. [...]
Sorry. I always get caught in Octave's incompatibility bugs. It's not
like Octave changes that fast, Mathworks should have already fixed
this by now :p

Error using testreadjpg
Too many output arguments.

Error in imread (line 415)
     [X, map] = feval(fmt_s.read, filename, extraArgs{:});

... so I think testreadjpg.m contains additional errors. It doesn't even get
called as there's no 'im initialized' message.
Could you please try again and define testreadjpg as

function [out, m] = testreadjpg (filename)
   persistent im;
   if (isempty (im)); im = 1; fprintf ('im initialized\n'); end
   disp (im)
   if (im > 3), error ('stuck in a loop\n'); end
   im = im + 1;
   [out, m] = imread (filename);

 From their documentation, the test should either print 1, 2, 3 and
then give an error, or return the image. Unless, there's another
interpretation that I'm missing :(

Thank you,


Matlab R2012a output:

>> fmt = imformats ('jpg')

fmt =

            ext: {'jpg'  'jpeg'}
            isa: @isjpg
           info: @imjpginfo
           read: @readjpg
          write: @writejpg
          alpha: 0
    description: 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)'

>> fmt.read = @testreadjpg;
>> imformats ('update', 'jpg', fmt);
>> img = imread ('lena.jpg');
im initialized




Error using testreadjpg (line 5)
stuck in a loop\n

Error in imread (line 435)
    [X, map] = feval(fmt_s.read, filename, extraArgs{:});

Error in testreadjpg (line 7)
  [out, m] = imread (filename);

Error in imread (line 435)
    [X, map] = feval(fmt_s.read, filename, extraArgs{:});

Error in testreadjpg (line 7)
  [out, m] = imread (filename);

Error in imread (line 435)
    [X, map] = feval(fmt_s.read, filename, extraArgs{:});

Error in testreadjpg (line 7)
  [out, m] = imread (filename);

Error in imread (line 435)
    [X, map] = feval(fmt_s.read, filename, extraArgs{:});

>> image (img)
Undefined function or variable 'img'.


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