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RE: crash in mshm_refine

From: Marco Vassallo
Subject: RE: crash in mshm_refine
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 14:23:39 +0200

> From: address@hidden
> To: address@hidden
> CC: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: crash in mshm_refine
> Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2013 15:12:38 +0000
> sounds strange to me, I believe that error will be issued later in the
> function when you resize the output matrices.
I tried also with another system but still get the same error, and so I can't figure out
exactly where I should add the check on the resize.
 BTW, as the matrix have the same dimension as matrix in input, I don't understand why the resize isn't working.
> > by the way, how can I use a debugger on a DLD function?
> you should run Octave in a debugger and place a breakpoint in "Fmshm_refine"
> (the "F" is automatically prepended to the function name by the DEFUN_DLD macro)
> If you build Octave from source to run in debug mode you can use the "run_octave"
> scritpt provided in the source tree with the "-g" command-line option.

Thanks, very helpful.


> c.

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