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Re: ITSOL interface

From: c.
Subject: Re: ITSOL interface
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 18:12:50 +0200

On 11 Jul 2013, at 16:54, Kai Torben Ohlhus <address@hidden> wrote:

> Thank you for the example c., but while I was trying to make use of the 
> package installer of octave-forge I found there was a little formatting 
> problem in the description file of "fpl" a dependency of "bim", it should be 
> fixed fast. I created a bug report with more details: 
> https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?39464

well, that's actually a regression in Octave as fpl installs correctly on the 
stable version of Octave:

  octave:1> pkg install -forge fpl
  For information about changes from previous versions of the fpl package, run 
'news ("fpl")'.
  octave:2> version
  ans = 3.6.2

I don't think pkg.m has been modified recently so probably this is due to the 
work being done on regexp?

> After the midterm I want to implement the function myself... AFAIK there is 
> no package containing this functionality. Maybe Ruipeng or Saad have a good 
> implementation, but you told me you had an M-File containing some 
> implementation, too?

I can't find the version I mentioned at OctConf but anyway that was just ichol0 
so it did approximately just:

 A = tril (M);
 for k=1:n
   A(k,k) = sqrt (A(k,k));
   A((k+1:n)(abs (A((k+1:n),k)) >= tol), k) /= A(k,k);
   for j = k+1:n
     i = (j:n)(abs (A((j:n),j)) >= tol);
     A(i,j) -= A(i,k) * A(j,k);

> Best,
> Kai


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