On Jul 23, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Ben Abbott wrote: On Jul 23, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote: If you change the figure's position and then return it to its
original value, does the figure size displayed change?
The size does not change perceptibly and the size goes back to its original value.
octave:5> set (gcf (), "position", pos+1)
octave:6> set (gcf (), "position", pos)
octave:7> pos = get (gcf (), "position")
pos =
25 345 560 380
Is the original Y-size controlled by the window manager?
A window manager does not control the size, only the position. I think (part of) the problem is that the FLTK backend does not honour the figure size properly when the figure is created, especially it does not take the menubar height into account, such that the total window height should the figure height plus the menubar height (the client area, excluding WM borders and titlebar).
My understanding is that the figure's "position" property should only include the plot area (does not include the menubar, titlebar, or toolbar). Is that not correct?
I should have checked Matlab earlier. A Matab figure window is attached.
Ben |