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Functions from Matlab C shared library utility

From: Reza Housseini
Subject: Functions from Matlab C shared library utility
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:58:29 +0200


I'm trying to implement the functions from Matlabs C shared library utility [1]. And I have some questions regarding this and perhaps someone can help me.

1. The function "libfunctions" displays the available functions in a library. Is there an easy way (exsisting library or program) to do such stuff? "nm" does not display function arguments for dynamic symbols and I don know from any program which can extract such information from a header file (probably need to write one).

2. The function "calllib" can execute functions from a shared library. Does there exist a conversion table of data types similar to [2]?

3. Would it make any sense to support C++ shared library with this approach? Definition of conversion between classes and Octave structs?

3. The function "loadlibrary" which loads library into workspace: can someone clarify on Matlab what the argument "@protofile" means. And also the Name-Value pairs "mfilename" and "thunkfilename"?

Thanks for any help. 

Cheers Reza

[1] http://www.mathworks.ch/ch/help/matlab/using-c-shared-library-functions-in-matlab-.html
[2] http://www.mathworks.ch/ch/help/matlab/matlab_external/passing-arguments-to-shared-library-functions.html

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