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Re: Debugging

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: Debugging
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:42:17 -0400

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Andrej Lojdl <address@hidden> wrote:
When we make Octave from source ( with new modifications ) what's the fastest 
way to debug it. Normally when configuring, I added required flags. 

If I try to "open program" in ddd or QtCreator problem is that ./run-octave is just
a script not executable. And I cant install it, with make install. Can I somehow 
run Octave ( ./run-octave ) and then connect it with ( graphical ) debugger?

You can use "./run-octave -g" that starts octave within gdb. Or I think you can connect ddd to a running process: so start ./run-octave, then connect ddd to the running lt-octave process. Note here that the process running is called "lt-octave", this means that you have to start ddd like: ddd src/.libs/lt-octave


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