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Re: Welcome SOCIS 2013 Applicants

From: Oscar Pérez
Subject: Re: Welcome SOCIS 2013 Applicants
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:05:36 +0200

Sure !!,
the list of tasks is most that i don't mind work in any of these and i think i could understood the work and code some productive in the time, (plus self bias of over-estimate my capabilities, ignorance after all). So comment what i barely think :

- Incomplete sparse factorizations ichol, ilu

Seems interesting to me but i´m not know much about it.

- Various sparse matrix improvements

Seems interesting to me but i´m not know much about it.

- Implement a Qt widget for manipulating plots

I didn´t work with Qt before so maybe don´t best fit for me.

- Improve JIT compiling,

I think compilation is a very difficult topic, and in 10 weeks i think cannot make significant advances, but i will take LLVM now or later.

- Improve memory management

I don´t know octave memory management, but optimizing speed memory allocation it´s usually done by pre-allocate memory.

- Finish the Agora website.

I didn´t work with Django, and i read is more complicated than, for example, joomla or wordpress,  but i´m ok wtih web development.

- Improvements to n-dimensional image processing

I´m interested in computer vision, so i´m interested in this task, see e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/10016/10524/1/PFC_Oscar_Perez_Alfonso.pdf

- High Precision Arithmetic Computation

This task is very clearly explained in your code project ideas.


2013/8/8 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
On 7 August 2013 17:05, Oscar Pérez <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is my SOCIS template -> http://wiki.octave.org/User:Opalfonso

Your broad choice of tasks doesn't inspire confidence that you've
analysed each of them and understand anything about them. Really,
you're able to do all of LLVM compiling, Python webdev with Django and
n-dimensional image processing? None of us here are able to move
between all of these tasks with such fluidity.

Can you give us a better way to appraise your skills and interests?

- Jordi G. H.

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