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Re: dolfin function to octave function

From: c.
Subject: Re: dolfin function to octave function
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 15:01:11 +0200

On 12 Sep 2013, at 14:17, marco Vassallo <address@hidden> wrote:

> It is implemented in the @function/feval
> You have to create the function starting from the vector and the 
> FunctionSpace and
> then you can evaluate it at a given point.
> Marco

OK, thanks! 

Then please change the example that uses fpl export so 
that it uses "feval" to evaluate the solution at element
centers or vertices in order to make it more general.

If you want, rather than export to vtk which more easily 
done via the "save" method, you could use "msh3m_gmsh_write" [1]
to write to gmsh format.



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