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Re: libgui/src/resource-manager.cc contains removed function names. Shou

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: libgui/src/resource-manager.cc contains removed function names. Should we remove them?
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 10:50:56 -0400
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On 09/15/2013 07:56 AM, Andreas Weber wrote:
Dear octave maintainers,
I'm currently searching and removing references to already removed
functions and stumbled over resource-manager.cc.

 From NEWS:
"   The following functions were deprecated in Octave 3.2 and have been
     removed from Octave 3.6.

       create_set          spcholinv    splu
       dmult               spcumprod    spmax
       iscommand           spcumsum     spmin
       israwcommand        spdet        spprod
       lchol               spdiag       spqr
       loadimage           spfind       spsum
       mark_as_command     sphcat       spsumsq
       mark_as_rawcommand  spinv        spvcat
       spatan2             spkron       str2mat
       spchol              splchol      unmark_command
       spchol2inv          split        unmark_rawcommand"

but these functions are still in resource-manager.cc. I'm not familiar
with this but I guess the resource_manager::octave_keywords are, for
example, used for syntax highlighting?

Can I remove the "removed functions" from resource-manager.cc or is
there a reason to keep them there?

This list should really not be static. There are functions in Octave that return lists of keyword and function names that should be used instead to build the list. I've been meaning to fix this but just haven't gotten around to doing it.


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