Dear octave maintainers,
I'm currently searching and removing references to already removed
functions and stumbled over
From NEWS:
" The following functions were deprecated in Octave 3.2 and have been
removed from Octave 3.6.
create_set spcholinv splu
dmult spcumprod spmax
iscommand spcumsum spmin
israwcommand spdet spprod
lchol spdiag spqr
loadimage spfind spsum
mark_as_command sphcat spsumsq
mark_as_rawcommand spinv spvcat
spatan2 spkron str2mat
spchol splchol unmark_command
spchol2inv split unmark_rawcommand"
but these functions are still in I'm not familiar
with this but I guess the resource_manager::octave_keywords are, for
example, used for syntax highlighting?
Can I remove the "removed functions" from or is
there a reason to keep them there?