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Re: ltfat 1.4.2 released

From: Przemek Klosowski
Subject: Re: ltfat 1.4.2 released
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:14:01 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130805 Thunderbird/17.0.8

I installed the package via 'pkg install -forge ltfat' on Fedora 19, and it worked out of the box, thanks for the good works.

I am getting an error on one of the demos:

octave:23> demo_phaseplot
Type "help demo_phaseplot" to see a description of how this demo works.
warning: image: zoom argument ignored -- use GUI features
warning: division by zero
error: imagesc: expected data LIMITS to be [lo, hi]
error: called from:
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/image/imagesc.m at line 118, column 5
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/image/imagesc.m at line 60, column 9
error:   /home/przemek/octave/ltfat-1.4.2/gabor/tfplot.m at line 180, column 11
error:   /home/przemek/octave/ltfat-1.4.2/gabor/plotdgt.m at line 74, column 5
error:   /home/przemek/octave/ltfat-1.4.2/gabor/sgram.m at line 209, column 7
error:   /home/przemek/octave/ltfat-1.4.2/demos/demo_phaseplot.m at line 89, column 1

multiplot> plot "-" binary array=400x2 scan=yx origin=(1,1) dx=1 dy=0 using 1 title "" with image; ;
           line 0: Sample period must be positive. Try `flip` for changing direction

multiplot> C
           line 0: invalid command

multiplot> C
           line 0: invalid command

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