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Re: Octave 3.8.2-rc2 release candidate available for ftp

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Re: Octave 3.8.2-rc2 release candidate available for ftp
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 08:19:49 -0700 (PDT)

listdlg.cs <http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/file/n4665231/listdlg.cs>  
John W. Eaton wrote
> The second release candidate of Octave 3.8.2 is now available from
> alpha.gnu.org in the directory /gnu/octave:
>    9268ae5649133926569d80634c29d453  octave-3.8.2-rc2.tar.gz  (md5sum)
>    -rw-r--r-- 1 3003 3002 20741471 Jul 01 09:31 octave-3.8.2-rc2.tar.gz
> Please help make the 3.8.2 release a success by building from this
> release candidate and reporting any problems.

On Mageia-3:


  PASS     11598
  FAIL         0
  XFAIL        7

When running rundemos.m, I see a few of these:

- test inputdlg with prescribed row by column sizes and defaults.
Press <enter> to continue:
example 1:
 disp ('- test listdlg with selectionmode single. No caption, no prompt.');
 itemlist = {'An item \\alpha', 'another', 'yet another'};
 s = listdlg ('ListString',itemlist, 'SelectionMode','Single');
 imax = numel (s);
 for i=1:1:imax
   disp (['Selected: ',num2str (i),': ', itemlist{s (i)}]);

- test listdlg with selectionmode single. No caption, no prompt.
example 1: failed
Invalid call to num2str.  Correct usage is:

 -- Function File:  num2str (X)
 -- Function File:  num2str (X, PRECISION)
 -- Function File:  num2str (X, FORMAT)

Press <enter> to continue:


# and much further down:

example 4: failed
ind2rgb: MAP must be a valid colormap

A changeset for listdlg.m is attached.
I'll leave a fix for imshow.m to the image processing experts :-)

> <snip>
> Bugs that have been fixed since the last release (info extracted from
> the commit message summary lines):
> <snip long list>

Noting that you applied bugfix #42609 to stable, would it be possible to
also include the fix for bug #42528 to stable (I've uploaded a cs with
better description) and backport bugfix for #42343?
AFAICS these fixes don't change behavior but simply rectify incorrect
results, much like the fix for #42609.



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