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Re: More help with meshz

From: Julien Bect
Subject: Re: More help with meshz
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:13:14 +0200
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Le 20/07/2014 20:40, Rik a écrit :
I've almost got meshz to produce the same output as Matlab, but I still have a discrepancy about the color of the edge on the boundary of the curtain. Could someone run the following code on a *Linux* or *Windows* version of Matlab and send back the png and diary file?

Hello Rik,

Please find attached the resulting png and diary for the code

--- start code ---
diary on
z = peaks ();
h = meshz (z(20:30, 20:30));
print -dpng tst.png
cdat = get (h, 'cdata');
cdat(1:5, 1:5)
zdat = get (h, 'zdata');
zdat(1:5, 1:5)
xdat = get (h, 'xdata');
xdat(1:5, 1:5)
ydat = get (h, 'ydata');
ydat(1:5, 1:5)
diary off
--- end code ---

on Matlab R2012a / Ubutnu 13.04 32 bits (I made several small changes to your original code, I hope it's ok).


Attachment: tst.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: diary
Description: Text document

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